I used Adobe Premiere Pro to edit, and the first thing that had to come was the Roughcut. I made this by compiling all of the footage chronologically. And as the movie progressed, I had to use the razor tool to cut accordingly. I arranged them as the story went further. We added dynamics to the story by each second we edited. This allowed me to have a rough cut prepared. The next step was colour grade and add the optimum and prominent effects. We had to add top and bottom bars to create a very cinematic look. This was done over several adjustment layers. Then I had to pay special attention to shots that needed extra stabilisation. For this, the effect warp stabiliser was especially helpful. There were a few clips of whose speed was also to be adjusted. These clips had to be 'nested' in order to have warp stabiliser applied to them. This further allowed the quality to be enhanced. It started to look even more high definition. After the proce...