
Showing posts from December, 2019

My Actor

My actor is Kublai Zeb who's had experience in theatre recently. He plays the protagonist.


Micro elements we took notes of to study in class. A detailed discussion took place to discuss each particular element. This would greatly help with our research and undoubtedly, our project

Idea Discussion

To discuss my ideas I have talked to numerous people for help and advice such as my peers, my teachers and my friends.

Intertextual Reference

A lot of times great movies have opened up with monologues. These monologues provide the audience with interest and a chance to become captivated. An example of this is The Godfather.

Conventions of Genre

What I hope to go for is crime or thriller. I have been noting down different genre conventions especially by watching movies and noticing the different shots, lighting, movements and especially the editing. I have noticed in crime or thriller movies, the opening usually tends to be fast paced, or very suspenseful, introducing a suspenseful character leaving the audience to wonder what will happen. The lighting is usually grey or light. However, in certain crime movies there is a ray of comedy found which tends to make the scene lighter and the audience captivated.

Project Inspo

These certain openings are truly inspiring and I wish to make something similarly great to them. The works of Scorsese, Tarantino, Nolan and Soderbergh are phenomenal and they are my biggest inspirations, not just for my film opening but for everything I make. Oceans Eleven + Twelve Long Take Scene from GoodFellas

Project Ideas

There are numerous ideas on my mind for a film opening as I am a film junkie. I love watching movies and noticing the different camera angles that have been used. It greatly intrigues me. A scene that has really inspired is the very opening of 'Oceans Twelve'. I wish to make something as suspenseful yet comedic at the same time. The theme of the Oceans triology is what I'm going for but I'm going to explore all my options


For my Media Studies Film Opening, I will be working solo for an opportunity to showcase my skills in the best way I can.

Prop List

Here's a list of all the props I will need for my opening. - A flower - A phone with vibration - A record player - Perfume - Cooking utensils - Eggs -Toaster - Fake Blood